Raising chickens is something I’ve always wanted to do, so when I got ready to go for it, I needed a way to keep them safe. My first thought was to build a wire coop above the ground, but information in a book I read cautioned against that, as the wire mesh wouldn’t protect my chickens from the weather and the sun properly. I looked at pre-built chicken coops and couldn’t believe the prices! With a lot of land, I’d planned on having many chickens, but to buy enough pre-built houses for all of them would have cost an arm and a leg.
As I was searching for information one day, I came across a website that promised to teach me how to build my own chicken coop. Although I was interested, I’ve never built anything in my life and was sure I’d never be able to build a chicken coop. Luckily, I’ve got a husband who is a bit handy with a hammer, so I ordered the package, thinking I’d talk him into building me several of them.
One day, as I was waiting for my husband to come home from work, I decided to pick up the materials I’d need. I did, and then one thing led to another and before I knew it, I was actually building the coops. I have to tell you that the instructions are so simple, I had no problem following them. I thought at first I’d be confused but I wasn’t. The shock on my husband’s face was almost completely worth the price of the package. The completed chicken coop and the money I saved was totally worth it. Together, my husband and I built several chicken coops and now I have my chickens safe and sound, and I get fresh eggs for breakfast every morning.
For anyone who has ever wanted to own chickens, or those with chickens but without a safe shelter for them, I would whole-heartedly recommend this product. ‘Make Your Own Chicken Coop’ is extremely easy to understand, and saved me so much money on my chicken coops. The time spent building them with my husband was also very fun! It was something we enjoyed doing together, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. This is a great product for a fabulous price, and I am so happy to have found it.