Poultry farming is not as prevalent as it once was and has lost a bit of its popularity our current times as most people often reside in small, congested homes with no courtyards and do not have the required space to rear a ton of chickens. However, many families have chickens as pets or they use them to provide eggs for their family’s needs. So, if you’re considering building a small chicken coop, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss how to build a small chicken coop. Are you ready? Let’s begin.
Chicken coops are very simple structures which have been especially constructed to breed chicken and these structures can be constructed either in the form of a chicken homestead or a kind of backyard chicken farm. They are simple structures that serve the basic necessity of providing shelter for chickens. Chicken coops are typically prepared from three basic elements of wood, straw and chicken wire. The materials to build this shelter are quite inexpensive and the best part of building your own chicken coop is that you can utilize the various items present in your house and can let loose your creativity which will definitely turn into a beautiful chicken coop for your lovely pets.
If you are really game on trying to make a simple, yet, elegant chicken coop for your house, there are certain points and facts which should be kept in mind which enables you to make a neat chicken house.
1) The design of the chicken coop: It is always important that if you plan to construct your chicken coop, you should definitely draw a rough plan on a paper and can understand the technicalities of the structure which will assist you in avoiding any errors. The basic structure, the colors and the appearance of the chicken coop can be estimated from the paper drawing and never initiate your ventures before you are happy with the outlined structure.
2) Adjust your judgment: When you decide on the materials for your chicken coop, make sure that they are easy to find and at the same time the coop should be made in such a way that it can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
3) Protection is a priority: The aspect of protection should be given great care and should include doors and windows for the chicken coop that can be opened and closed comfortably. Coop ventilation is of great significance and should not be ignored.
4) Adequate sunlight, water and chicken feeders are also extremely valid points that should never be neglected in the construction of a chicken coop.
With the above-mentioned tactics and techniques, you can build a lovely and fully functional chicken coop in no time and with just one-tenth of the price of the one available in stores.
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